

Burlycon’s Burlesque Hall of Fame Finishing School

The BHoF Finishing School presents classes with burlesque Living Legends from the mid-twentieth century. Classes are held during the Burlesque Hall of Fame Exotic World Weekend in Las Vegas, and focus on lifestyle, skills, and history. These classes are a fantastic and opportunity to receive information passed on directly from one of our most fragile resources: the performers of yesteryear. View Schedule & Buy Passes Learn more about the history …

BurlyCon 2016 Presenter Selections are In!

BurlyCon is delighted to have issued the offer letters for courses we wish to host at this year’s event.  Each year, the BurlyCon Programming team labors to choose between hundreds of proposals. We are delighted to, in our 9th year, host another full roster of an incredible variety of educational offerings. In all situations when some things are selected and others are not, disappointment can arise. We realize this, and …

BurlyCon Glitter Crash Hangover Kit

Everything you need to get through the weeks after BurlyCon! Still feeling that tassel-twirling high emotional high from attending BurlyCon? You worked hard, danced hard and played hard. You deserve the time to absorb, reflect and allow all that learning to integrate into your being.  The BurlyCon Team gives you full permission to take the day off! We declare a day of rest. Looking for inspiration on how to spend your …

BurlyCon 2015 is ON!

Friends and lovers, we’re SO excited to be kicking off BurlyCon 2015 today! For those of you who are joining us here in Seattle, here are a few key things to help you get started. Grab your badge at registration Registration is located in the Hilton Conference Center, which is in a separate building from the main hotel. To reach registration from the hotel lobby: Go straight past the restaurant Proceed …

Guest Post: Stretches to Get Ready for BurlyCon 2015

Written by BurlyCon board member Kristina Nekyia The Five Most Important Stretches for the Traveling Performer If you are hopping on a plane or planning a long drive to get to BurlyCon next week it is terribly important to take care of your body so that you can make the most of all those amazing dance and movement classes! Hydrate, eat good food, get some sleep, and do some stretching. …

Photos! Awesome Fun at Cons Past

There’s a reason why people compare BurlyCon to a giant burlesque slumber party. Sure, we work hard in athletic dance classes, technical marketing workshops, and eye-opening history lessons. But more than anything else, BurlyCon is fun. Thigh-slapping, side-splitting, awesome fun. (I mean, what else would you expect from a hotel full of clowning, stripping burlesque performers?) With the event a little over one week away, we thought we’d share a few crazy …

Keep Calm and Shimmy On: Recharge and Relax at BurlyCon

BurlyCon is a pretty high-energy weekend. Aside from the classes themselves, which can be physically and/or emotionally demanding, the sheer volume of socializing, dancing, giggling, and fun can be extremely overwhelming. For those of us who like a quiet place to recharge, BurlyCon has lots of awesome spaces to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the con. The Library

Photo Retrospective: BurlyCon Dance Parties

Over the years, the BurlyCon Friday night dance party has grown to be an extremely popular event. We can’t wait for this year’s dance. The theme? Mystical Menagerie. Prepare to be unicorned. New in 2015! For the first time in BurlyCon history, tickets can be purchased for the dance only, or for all the evening events. Now your lover, companion, or BFF can attend the fabulous social events without needing to buy a full …